Pyris: Insee IRIS Geolocalizer


Find an IRIS code from a French address.

IRIS is a a code related to a district provided by Insee, the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies. Thus, it's possible to have some statistical indicators for more than 50,000 different IRIS (resp. districts).
The longitude/latitude coordinates are retrieved thanks to the National Address French Base and its great API.

Interactive Map

Search an IRIS from an address and visualize it on an interactive map!!

Some stats

For each IRIS, you can find some population, employment and housing stats (by age or by sex). There data came from Insee.

Here an example in the first Paris district "Palais Royal".


Find the raw data at the Open Data French gouvernment website and the Insee website.


You can find the source code of this project on the pyris Github page. It's powered by Python, Flask and PostgreSQL.



You also can read and try the REST API generated by Flask-RESTPlus and Swagger.